Stable, strengthened, strong and robust. That is the meaning of IMARA.
We make stable environmental impact stories, strengthened by visualisations to enable strong project planning, monitoring and reporting. This way we aim to inspire, support, and accelerate action for robust and resilient landscapes.
Elise van Tilborg
Remote Sensing and GIS specialist with experience in monitoring & evaluation of development projects and SDG reporting
“Satellite data offer an incredible wealth of opportunities. It is my goal to include this information in monitoring of project to not only monitor the impact, but to be able to learn from our actions for the future”
IMARA in the picture
IMARA at the NL Space Webcast 2021 (Dutch)
Interview Sander Koenen (Netherlands Space Office) with Elise van Tilborg about winning the Copernicus Masters Planet Challenge of 2020: ‘See Change, Change the World!’
Winner of Copernicus Masters – Planet Challenge
“Like Planet, IMARA is a mission driven company. Combining EO data of Planet and analytics of IMARA will allow for credible monitoring and evaluating of what is happening on Earth in an evidence-based and datadriven manner by visualising progress over space and time. Such valuable insights from Planet can be strengthened by visual storytelling of IMARA to offer powerful information about the progress humanity is making on the SDGs for instance. IMARA has demonstrated a strong commitment toward helping to create a sustainable world with EO data and we believe they have a good shot at it!”
– PhD Agnieszka Lukaszczyk, Senior Director European Affairs, Planet